Champion of Talent for Over 2 Decades
Voice Over Coach
Media Coach
Freelance Casting Liaison for Commercials & more
Study Via Phone
Private In Person

Why Voice Over coaching with Nancy?
Her coursework has been accredited at the university level, and beginners, working pros, and celebrities have profited from her curriculum in private and group classes throughout America, the UK, Canada, and Europe.
Beyond training many Audible Hall of Famers and countless award-winning VO talents (SOVA, VOX UK, One Voice, Audie, Golden Pencil, Clio, etc.), she also casts loads of her graduates daily on jobs that help finance their journey.
Clients include the voice of Siri, a US Circuit Judge, a blood splatter analyst, BBC alums, two sex therapists, countless celebrities, Henson’s top Puppeteers, parents, pet trainers, and people just like you.
With over 25 yrs. experience at the top of the Hollywood Entertainment Industry, Nancy has served as the head Agent of the Commercial Voice Over Department at ARL Talent Agency, a Talent Manager, and Producer of On Air Promotions (Playboy, FOX, WB/CW, ABC.) Recent freelance roles: Corporate Consultant for VH-1 & Nickelodeon, and Casting Advisor for Muzak and iHeart Media.
She is still the only pro VO coach whose full-time career focuses exclusively on advancing YOURS.
“Her methods make sense and they work and there’s no other coach that can get you auditions – possibly before spending money on a demo – where your coaching can pay for itself. If you’re organized and not an Excuses Machine, you’ll have a champion for life in Nancy.”

Study from the UK
-with Voice Over Coach Nancy
You are diligent, polite, bawdy, and not one soul in your Realm has ever whinged about anything being “too tough.”
Simply put, we just “get” each other, and working for you is a joy.
Nancy ADORES you.
Coaching you, casting you, getting chucked from fancy Covent Garden hotels with you.
Talent consistently report booking new jobs either via Nancy or on their own immediately following this private coaching and her special seminars in London.
I thought you might like to know that the Dove spot on my reel hooked in a new client for a little corporate film for Palmolive. Hoorah!

Nancy VO Photos





Featured Testimonials

Gary M.

Bob S.
Here’s the best answer I can give to the “was it worth it” question. I took classes with a cost of about $1500. My income that year while I was studying with her went up over $20,000. I’d say it was a good investment. Your mileage may vary.

Dave F.
Voice of

Peter N.

Jessica T.
So, today I’m recording my first TV commercial for North America for Dixie (paper plates). I booked it through XXX in YYY. I just know that my my demo was finally of the right caliber to attract this kind of thing. I still auditioned and had a callback, but I know that demo you produced for me got me on the list.
Oh and the email said “Kia ora Jessica,” which is Maori for ‘congratulations.’
Kinda fun! I’ve been so excited for my kids to hear me on television some night – despite how silly that sounds – that their Mom can do cool stuff other than just make hamburgers.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo to you!!!

Stephen B.
This is fantastic work, you guys.
The direction and differentiation among the clips is precise and inspired, the production elements are spot on, and the mix is as hot as a firecracker.
I am so very grateful to be supported by you two in this way.
Thank you, abundantly and sincerely.
Gary Maholm
-Buzz Blackburn”
- Listen to Wolfpack Ringtone

If you get even half a chance to train with her, I can't recommend it enough. She's one of the best coaches I've ever had for anything, not just VO.
— Andrew Jack (@AndrewJackVO) October 30, 2020
Forgot to tell you, @NancyWolfson! Repping the Wolfpack on ESPN2 right now!
— Rob Messel 🎤🎸 (@robmessel) August 6, 2021
Thanks for all your coaching and mentorship over the years 🙂
In the voice over booth today for @ConcernedVets’ video ad campaign. Honoring 4500 Americans who’ve lost their lives in Iraq … and counting. #voiceover #voiceovertalent
— Carolyn Barnwell (@carolynbarnwell) August 5, 2021
(Thx, Clean Cuts & @NancyWolfson)
Nancy is an absolutely outstanding VO coach, and I cannot recommend her enough. Some of the things she's taught me have been literally life changing.
— Andrew Jack (@AndrewJackVO) August 3, 2021
Also her cat and my cat are either twins, or the same cat from different universes.
Ever interested in getting down to the really-real of commercial voice acting, there is no one better than Nancy! I've gotten more out a single session with her than I have entire courses "VO Training."
— D, Agent Of SHIELD😎 (@DarrinJaques) August 2, 2021
Who's this voice? Hint – it's the guy who started working with @NancyWolfson about 3 months ago and has booked two SAG nationals as a result 😉 Thanks Nancy! And thanks @StewartTalent and Jason at @StewartTalentNY !
— Nick Coleman (@NickJoeColeman) April 7, 2021
IMO VO for advertising, you can't beat @NancyWolfson. For accents & audiobooks @pjochlan, audiobooks @mldAudio accents & voice, @speakeasy_voice @NicRedmanVoice. Audiobook coaching list of recommended coaches @NarratorRoadmap
— Helen Lloyd 🕷️ (@HelenLloydAudio) April 3, 2021
Free chat? Me! Pro Coach who will equip you to earn? @NancyWolfson . Coaches who will simply say what you want to hear? A cast of thousands. For more info, skype me.
— Philip Banks – Skype voiceoverist (@TheVoiceoverist) April 3, 2021
Thanks for whipping me into shape this morning @NancyWolfson
— Will Vincent (@WillVincentVO) May 14, 2021
Absolutely loving the training!#VO peeps, looking for a coach? You want to work with Nancy. Full stop. It's not easy.. but to quote @tomhanks, "The hard is what makes it great."
Just booked with a client who loved that I “put the right weight on the right words…strong without being announcery” Thanks for the skills @NancyWolfson #voiceover #voiceactor #vo #voiceacting
— Bill Carl (@billcarlvo) May 14, 2021
Stuff that happens when @NancyWolfson is your coach: The check from my first union gig arrived yesterday. I am now SAG eligible and I was sent an audition for a career changing project. I am grateful. #voiceover #narration #voiceactor
— Bill Carl (@billcarlvo) September 22, 2020
Stuff that happens when @NancyWolfson is your coach: The check from my first union gig arrived yesterday. I am now SAG eligible and I was sent an audition for a career changing project. I am grateful. #voiceover #narration #voiceactor
— Bill Carl (@billcarlvo) September 22, 2020
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I’m excited to announce that I had my first consultation today with preeminent, renowned, adored, & sometimes irrationally feared voiceover coach, the great @NancyWolfson of!
“You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi— Buzz Blackburn (@BuzzBlackburn) September 20, 2019
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Colleagues often ask whether vo coaching is worth the cost. After my end of quarter bookkeeping yesterday and seeing a 133% jump in revenue year over year, I’m pretty sure that lessons with @NancyWolfson are worth every dime. #voiceover #voiceacting #voiceactor
— Bill Carl (@billcarlvo) October 1, 2019
In the Rock*Paper*Scissors of delivering a pay-worthy #voiceover performance, being in the necessary emotional point trumps whatever you think your voice is meant to sound like based on compliments from non industry people.
— Nancy Wolfson (@NancyWolfson) October 18, 2019
You left out wicked-smart, fiercely loyal, short fuse for fools, funny as a four letter word, beauty. @NancyWolfson
— Keri Tombazian (@KeriTombazian) December 5, 2017
Thanks to @NancyWolfson ‘s HOW TO MONETIZE SOCIAL MEDIA FOR VO course, quite a few advertising professionals are following ME!
— Charles Constant (@ChuckConstant) February 1, 2018
One of @NancyWolfson‘s sparkly gems helped me smash a session today. Client went from “that’s fine” to DELIGHTED. #voiceover
— Natalie Cooper (@voiceovergirl) January 8, 2018
Up your game in #voiceover by training with the BEST. Recently booked a well known brand just by following a quick line of advice @NancyWolfson added in an email. That’s how on point this girl is. #voiceactor #voiceacting
— Heather Masters (@iheathermasters) April 10, 2018
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This month marks 8 years since I finished my coursework with the premier #Voiceover coach @NancyWolfson. I still study with her at least once a quarter. Today, I have used one of the techniques she taught me 3 times for 3 different auditions. She’s the gift that keeps on giving.
— Dustin Ebaugh (@DustinEbaugh) October 18, 2018
Avoid anyone who's gonna promise you a demo in a weekend or a month [a demo mill] or anyone with a "Guaranteed Method!!". I studied with @NancyWolfson & it brought out tons I had no idea was in me. See also @WorldVoicesOrg for more trusted info on coaches. #voiceover
— Voiceover Talent Comedy Musician (@ChrisMezzolesta) August 26, 2020
Recording @ one of my favourite cities🏙🌉 Nailed the audition @NancyWolfson nancywolfson #oracle #citylife #naturalsoundingvoice #voiceover @ Byker…
— Ramesh Mahtani (@Rameshmahtanivo) October 18, 2018
@NancyWolfson You really are so awesome, I want to come and train with you really soon! Every time I hit a sticky patch with my voiceovers, I put you on my you tube and you re inspire and remind me. Thank you 🙏🏽
— 👄Rebecca Courtney 👄 (@rebecca_voices) October 6, 2018
50 focused minutes with @NancyWolfson this morning is better than a double shot #americano. #Voiceover training that works. #inspired #driven
— David Cannon (@davidcannonvo) October 5, 2018
It’s #ShowreelShareDay & it would be remiss of me not to participate. So here’s mine in 60 seconds, with thanks to the unique talents of @NancyWolfson @santistudiopost & @lawrenceltl #voiceover #voiceactor #voicetalent#Britishfvo #englishvo #ukfvo #commercials #narration
— Sara Starling O.A.V (@Voiceoverbird) October 5, 2018
Booked our @NattyChisholm on a sweet 4 figure #voiceover job today. (Details later) Might Bess kindly send her one of your goddamned pins already, @TheVoiceoverist ; Natalie’s a winner.
— Nancy Wolfson (@NancyWolfson) October 4, 2018
Jeepers! Just decimated a rainforest to print off all the scripts, but I’m super excited about working with #voiceover #legend @NancyWolfson. Bring it on!
— Claire Wyatt (@ClaireEWyatt) October 4, 2018
A coaching session with @NancyWolfson always stretches and gets me thinking about the copy in new ways. I’ll be practising scripts until midnight with a fresh set of eyes and vocal (chords)! #thankyou! #voiceover
— Caroline Ashby Voiceover Artist (@AudioCaroline) September 19, 2018
Accept no imitations & be in no doubt….
If you’re contemplating #voiceover guidance, @NancyWolfson has her finger on the pulse. Always.— Sara Starling O.A.V (@Voiceoverbird) September 11, 2018
I just got my first agency job. Spent the day in the studio and Nancy was on my shoulder the whole time. She’s fabulous!
— Ana Clements Voice (@AnaClements) November 29, 2018
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It’s a bit early for 2018 retrospection, but I’ve had a good year voiceoverwise, and I decided that I wanted to (as they say) Take It To The Next Level, and so last night, had my first coaching session with @NancyWolfson.
Sometimes, you can just tell you’ve made a good decision.— Malk Williams (@MalksVoice) November 29, 2018
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1 Consult + 1 Coursework Tweak => 1 NATIONAL TV #voiceover booking for TOYOTA! WE NAILED IT, baby! #CoachingThatPaysForItself #LetsGoPlaces , @katemarcinvo
— Nancy Wolfson (@NancyWolfson) March 8, 2019
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What’s better than finding an AMAZING #voiceover coach? Finding one who GETS YOU WORK. My bookings off auditions @NancyWolfson has sent me have MORE than paid for both lessons and demo. #itpaysforitself #wolfpack
— Heather Masters (@iheathermasters) March 20, 2019
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“So Bill, how’s that whole hiring @NancyWolfson as your vo coach thing working out?” “Well, the two bookings I got just today paid for pretty much the whole shebang so yeah, she’s alright.” #vo #truestory #voiceover
— Bill Carl (@billcarlvo) April 9, 2019
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Been out of my #voiceover headspace for a while but talking to my coach @NancyWolfson is always a good way to get back in
— Arthur Chu (@arthur_affect) July 16, 2014
I usually post a warning on tweets like this because 99% of the time they’re for ‘demo mill’ blow-into-town-take-money scams. THIS one, you can rest assured, is the real deal!! 🙂 Proud member of the WOLFpack. Nancy will pull performances out of you you didn’t think possible.
— ChrisMezzolesta (@ChrisMezzolesta) January 13, 2020
Thank you #legend @NancyWolfson
— Kenny Blyth (@blythyken) July 7, 2020
Your #insightful nononsense laser focussed analysis & coaching are a vital addition to any #voiceovers armoury (no one wants to be left waving a hanky when the big guns are out) Face with tears of joy #training #coaching #alwayslearning #wolfpack
Instacart? Instabooking!
— Lisa Sowden (@LisaSowden) May 21, 2020
Getting paid to talk is almost as exciting as getting permission to talk about it. NDA lifted. @NancyWolfson the demo you produced for me booked me 2 gigs this week, NO AUDITIONS! The demo did it. #Instacart #covid19 #voiceover
Thank you #legend @NancyWolfson
— Kenny Blyth (@blythyken) July 7, 2020
Your #insightful no-nonsense laser focussed analysis & coaching are a vital addition to any #voiceovers armoury (no one wants to be left waving a hanky when the big guns are out) Face with tears of joy #training #coaching #alwayslearning #wolfpack
FB posts
Paul Bellantoni VO
Amidst the SM love I’ve been getting for the Shang-Chi job (🥰) and a few other recent cool jobs, I’ve been asked several times lately who I coach with here in L.A. There is one “sine qua non” to me, and that is Nancy Wolfson. I know of no-one who has such a comprehensive, precise, yet totally digestible approach to finding YOUR proper delivery of a script, and that is The Wolf Lady (Lady Wolf?) Ice that “cake” with her decades of knowledge of the industry, its trends, and the people in it. It is an unbeatable combination. Thank you, Ms W, for what I have learned from you, and all you have done for me.
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Caryn Clark
Doing voice over full-time for 12 years, and still learning! Had a great voice over lesson with Nancy Wolfson today! I learned a new technique that will be a game-changer for me!!! I can’t wait to use it!!!!!! THANK YOU, dear friend. You know what my voice is capable of better than I do!!
Graduate Demos
Nancy Wolfson has schlepped from hell to breakfast hosting amazingly well-received Group Intro Lectures & Classes to curious VO folk all over the US, Europe, Canada, Nashville, Las Vegas, Seattle, and New York City
Philip Tanzini
Krystle Simmons
Zeke Hardman
Frank Hobbs
Adam Behr
Sara Starling

- News
- Graduate Bookings