Champion of Talent for Over 2 Decades Voice Over Teacher Media Coach Freelance Casting Liaison for Commercials & more APPLY NOW for COACHING Private In Person LEARN MORE Study Via Phone LEARN MORE Please Choose: STUDY VIA PHONE US or STUDY VIA PHONE NON US Your Full Name* Your Email* Your Message* Select your Interest*: I am located in or near Los Angeles and interested in PRIVATE IN PERSON coachingI am not located in or near Los Angeles and interested in PHONE COACHING.I am located OUTSIDE THE US and interested in PHONE COACHING.Other, Non Coaching, Question Select the method which you will using for instruction*: In PersonBy Phone via landline(preferred)By phone & Skype via a high end mic plugged into my computerBy phone via a high speed cable/internet phone City and State of Residence*: How did you hear about me?* Why are you pulling the trigger on this interest - in this process in particular? Do you have any background in VO? Do you have a background in acting? (No background necessary. Having been the lead in the high school play does count as "experience.") Do you have a demo you have been using that you'd like reviewed during first lesson? (Not a requirement.) Have you worked in the advertising business or in marketing in some capacity? What is your age? (I'm not 14; it's ok to be honest.) Have you started and/or run a successful business of any kind (not necessarily VO)? Would you consider yourself a "word nerd"? Is a degree in English or Celtic Poetry lurking in there? Are you a parent who has spent many (or even a few) hours reading to kids? What is your schedule/availability like to afford lessons in your day - limited to mornings/flexible? What is your current occupation? (If not currently employed, what was your most recent job-type endeavor?) Is it killing you to read all of this? 😉 —Please choose an option—YesNo